Why Is The Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater Remake Called Delta?


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Mar 21, 2023

Why Is The Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater Remake Called Delta?

Konami's Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater remake is called "Delta," but what could

Konami's Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater remake is called "Delta," but what could this mean?

What a thrill! The Metal Gear series has been long known for its convoluted, sneaking-in-plain-sight secrets, in which every word and symbol begs for analysis, names carry power, and nothing is as it seems. Konami's unveiling of Snake Eater's remake nods to that tradition with a big, juicy mystery right in the title: Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater.

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Konami was quick to clarify that the "Δ" is pronounced "delta," not "triangle." However, even this clarification drew a snake's nest of questions out of the grass, leaving fans tangling with sheer, naked speculation. Although series creator and master conspiracy weaver Hideo Kojima is sadly no longer involved in the series, it's likely that this foxhole runs deep, and that the symbol has a hidden meaning.

With such an unusual character in the title (besides those found in Greece, the "Δ" symbol doesn't come loaded on many physical keyboards), Konami must have known that there would be questions about the mysterious title change. Besides helpfully clarifying the name (Delta), Konami confirmed through official channels that the symbol represented "change" or "difference" without the structure itself changing.

This may have potentially spurred on whispers about dramatic plot divergences, à la Final Fantasy 7 Remake. However, unlike Final Fantasy 7, this isn't the first time Snake Eater has been re-released, and Konami probably knows better than to mess too much with the DNA of what many fans would consider the best game in the series.

Hours after the official reveal, fans quickly pointed out that the green triangle is an obvious visual stand-in for the number three. While that's all well and good, it doesn't answer why Konami went with the fourth letter in the Greek alphabet, which, incidentally, corresponds to the number four in Greek numerology. While the numbering is off, there's some precedent for choosing a non-Arabic number.

Metal Gear Solid 5, set back in the 80s,went with a symbolically-significant Roman numeral (V) for Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain. Sons and Guns of the Patriots went with the modern Arabic numerals (2 and 4, respectively). Since Snake Eater is chronologically the first in the series, taking place in the ancient past (the 60s), using such an ancient numerical system seems fitting.

Who are the Patriots? The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo? Metal Gear Solid's clandestine group's real-life counterpart, the Illuminati, is popularly known for its "eye within the triangle" logo, which, oddly enough, bares a close resemblance to the "Δ" symbol.

Of course, that's just one use for the shape. Given the trailer's emphasis on "the laws of the jungle," the "Δ" could represent a hierarchy of dominance, or, since Nakey Snakey puts such an emphasis on improvised cuisine out in the rough of Tselinoyarsk, the nutrition pyramid. Alternatively, it's a green tree. Or, a low-angle shot of an implausibly tall ladder.

Replacing the "three" was a savvy marketing move, and it makes sense as a way to invite new fans. Outsiders to the Metal Gear Solid saga might have otherwise wondered, "What happened to the first two?" and "Do I need to play those first?" instead of mentally portioning some of their hard-earned income in preparation for what looks like a bombastic Rambo simulator.

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Snake Eater is a sensible entry point for the uninitiated as it happens to be chronologically the first in the timeline. There's another advantage: Konami announced the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 with the Snake Eater remake, but having "Δ / delta" in the title helps set it apart from one of the games bundled into the set.

While the triangle shape might unconsciously evoke the number three, there could be a good reason Konami went with "Δ," the symbol for the number four in Greek numerology: Snake Eater could be the first of four Metal Gear Solid games to get the "Delta remake" treatment. Since Snake Eater is chronologically first (and one of the most popular), it tracks that Konami would prioritize it for a facelift.

Perhaps after its success, Konami gets to reveal Metal Gear Solid Delta: The Twin Snakes? After another couple of decades, fans will finally have a way to play Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots without having to infiltrate their dusty attics for their PS3s. By that time, aging gamers will probably better appreciate its lengthy cutscenes as a chance to take a quick nap (or recover from some controller-related arthritis pain).

The MGS series is known for its complex commentary on language, and even a cursory glance at the definition of "delta" offers much to think about. The word is used frequently enough in military contexts: Flying in Delta results in a "V" formation. A delta can also be defined as "a place where rivers branch into many smaller rivers," creating natural borders, which (like humanity's borders) are always subject to change, as the Boss might say.

A deeper look suggests that the three-sided symbol could be a nod towards Snake Eater's most impactful theme: being forced to choose a side (the Soviet Union, the United States) and taking a third way (Outer Heaven).

While the 60s were a long way from the technology that affords such miracles as virtual reality, even in the MGS universe, dreams are an essential element of Snake Eater. Delta waves are produced when a person dreams, perhaps a reference to a long-held fan theory about the entire game taking place in a VR mission.

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Only time will tell whether delta waves will be more prominently featured in the "different-but-without-difference" remake. One thing is sure: fans have been dreaming about getting a Snake Eater remake for years. But without Kojima at the wheel, will that dream turn into a nightmare?

This one is a bit of a stretch, but then again, the whole plot of Snake Eater stretches the suspension of the player's disbelief (in the best possible way, of course). In genetics, the delta symbol (Δ) represents the deletion of a gene during mutation and replication.

While genetics is more of an original Metal Gear Solid thing (with plenty of super-soldiers and clones abound), Operation Snake Eater is where it all started: the corruption of a legacy, irretrievable loss, and warped transformation all lead to the mutation of a man into a monster.

Mirrored reflections and the clashing of opposites are recurring themes in the Metal Gear Solid universe. With Metal Gear Solid V ending effectively ending the series with Kojima's unfortunate departure (Metal Gear Survive doesn't count), is it too much of a stretch to imagine the team behind the remake of the first game in the series (chronologically speaking), seeing themselves as the new, optimistic light to the darkness? The hope to V's despair?

Perhaps Project Virtuos saw themselves as the inversion of Kojima Productions, the XOF to FOX. Perhaps they hope to flip the series upwards to new heights, as implied by delta's upward triangular shape. Either way, their success would be a win for fans everywhere.

It's possible that Konami set the perfect honey trap for social media users and game outlets alike when they put a character that requires an ALT code into the name of its remake. Call it cynical, but everyone loves a good mystery, which in turn creates a media buzz, which potentially fires up the sales numbers.

However, given how difficult it is to write Δ into a search engine, this stunt may backfire in the long run. That said, perhaps Konami isn't expecting much from the game and expects to be able to put the franchise out one last time, although that seems unlikely.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is in development for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Mark has been thinking and writing about games since a Gameboy Pocket and a copy of Link's Awakening was first placed into his tender, seven-year-old hands.Since then, he snagged a creative writing (BA) degree, roleplayed being a banker, an English teacher, and finally, a games writer – all while pursuing his true passion: inhabiting virtual worlds.As well as writing about, reading about, thinking about, talking about, dreaming about, and generally fantasising about video games, Mark also dabbles with game development.His favourite game worlds are found in titles such as the Elder Scrolls, Metal Gear Solid, Jak and Daxter, and Guild Wars.

Metal Gear Snake Eater Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater